Reflections is a narrative adventure game where every action you take can change the course of the protagonist’s life. The things you focus on and interact with during the course of your playthrough bring splashes of color into the monochromatic world, signifying the impact it has on the protagonist and shaping who they’ll become.
Studio: Broken Window Studios
Shipped: Unreleased
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity
Role: Unity Developer
Team Size: 3
Duration: 9 months
I joined the team working on Reflections to implement the intro sequence and tutorial, where players could experiment with how the focusing mechanic worked. By using objects in different ways, the player could communicate their interest or disinterest in it, and thereby chose the next stage of the game. This took the form of a hospital sequence, where a shadowed figure guides the player through liminal dream spaces. I then went on to develop several level concepts for the main game sequence, including an office building, a city neighborhood, and a wilderness trail. My duties included:
•Designing a hub which is level densely populated with interactivity
•Designing vignettes which evoked archetypal concepts like ‘City Living’ or ‘nihilism’
•Utilizing existing game mechanics to create new interactable objects
•Scripting new game mechanics using C# and Playmaker to expand gameplay
•Writing branching dialogue for characters using ChatMapper
•Setting up dynamic streaming level zones using Sectr